Mediation Process

  • Mediations may take place:
    • on the day of the Pre-Trial Conference or anytime prior to the Trial date
    • by scheduling in advance of, or pursuant to, a formal complaint being filed with the Court
  • Mediation requires the consent of all parties to proceed.
  • The mediator helps the parties to identify the issues and explore possible options for agreement and resolution.
  • All parties will be given ample time to tell their side of the story and have their concerns heard.
  • The mediator may meet with the parties separately to discuss individual concerns in a confidential setting.
  • Initial fee covers the first 2 hours of the mediator’s time and is paid by both parties. Most mediations are concluded within 2 to 3 hours.
  • When a settlement is reached, unless requested otherwise by the parties, a written Memorandum of Understanding or Stipulation is prepared.
  • Both parties approve any resolution, agreements are signed by the parties and their counsel (if any).
  • If no agreement is reached during mediation, the parties will proceed with their Trial for a judicial decision, with all mediation related communication and discussions remaining fully confidential and not subject to discovery or review during the Trial itself.
  • If no court case is pending, the parties can enter into a written and signed agreement. This agreement may later be enforceable by a court.